Welcome to Healing Dental Trauma
Have you ever said "I'm terrified of the dentist"?
Have you been avoiding seeing the dentist due to previous experiences, sometimes from years or even decades ago?
Have you recently had a challenging experience at the dentist?
Do you have trouble trusting the dentist?
David Harold, DMD is a Somatic Experiencing® trained dentist who works with people suffering from the debilitating symptoms related to dental anxiety and phobias. David has been practicing dentistry for 20 years, working specifically with high-need and high-anxiety dental patients.
Dental fear, trauma from dental work and general anesthesia can be debilitating, leading to:
Panic attacks
Avoiding the dentist
Sweating and shaking
Shortness of breath and choking sensations
Moodiness and irritability
Sleeping problems
Generalized muscle tension
Needle phobia